Bild: Alyona, International Students privat

Interview. Christmas time this year is especially difficult for international students. Some can go home, others have to stay in Germany, be it for travel restrictions or for personal safety concerns. Alyona has been in Germany for two years now and is one of those that couldn’t go home to their family, who are in Russia, for a year now. We spoke to her about holiday traditions, her family and how she spends her first German Christmas.

Bild: Among students, the image is clear: Hillary Clinton is more qualified and thus the better choice for the presidency. , How students feel about the presidential election Photos: Michael Vadon/wikimedia commons CC BY-SA (Trump), Gage Skidmore/wikimedia commons CC BY-SA (Clinton)

On November 8, a new (wo-)man in power will commence their reign in the USA. The portrayal of the candidates in the media is clear. But how do students in America feel about the upcoming announcement? The :bsz has contacted reporter Susanne Jaworski, who is studying for her Master’s degree in Boston at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and questioned students about Clinton and Trump. She will provide us with her very own impression as well. 

Bild: Nächste Haltestelle: Die Studiobühne mit #Students., Zum RUB-Geburtstag: Eine Theatercollage über das Leben an der Ruhr-Uni. Foto: kac

Am vergangenen Wochenende fand das Stück „#Students“ im Musischen Zentrum auf der Studiobühne statt. 21 Studierende haben sich in Gruppen zusammengefunden, um aus ihrer Sicht die Geschehen an der RUB schauspielerisch darzustellen. Im Stück zeigen die SchauspielerInnen, was die RUB für ihre Studierenden und MitarbeiterInnen ist: Der Nabel der Welt! 
