Politik. Darum sollte auch der größte Wahlmuffel endlich ein Kreuz setzen.
Politik. Darum sollte auch der größte Wahlmuffel endlich ein Kreuz setzen.
Kommentar. Nach 18 Jahren als Vorsitzende der CDU stellt sich Angela Merkel bei der kommenden Vorstandswahl nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Ihre Verfolger*innen stehen in den Startlöchern.
:bsz international. The gamescom took place in Cologne from August 22 to August 26 and offered space for console-, mobile-, online-, PC-gaming, virtual reality and e-sports.
This year, the gamescom opened with more space, around 200.000 square kilometers, with over 900 exhibitors from 54 countries and a larger and more international visitor count than the years before: 350.000 people from over 106 countries, which makes it the biggest computer games fair in the world for a private audience. The opening ceremony was lead by chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), who emphasised the social and economic influence of digital games. They are cultural assets, fuel for innovation and an economic factor of highest importance. She called the industry a “strong column of the German ecomony”. This tribute from “top-level-politics” has boosted the perception of the exhibition, as this was an “accolade for the gamescom and the whole branch”, underlines Felix Falk, manager of the inter-trade organization BIU (Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware).
Digital card games are becoming more and more popular, which is why the developers must release new content. But what can be implemented other than new cards? The games “Hearthstone” (HS), Blizzard’s own and famous trading card game (TCG), and “Gwent”, the TCG known from Andrzej Sapkowski’s “The Witcher” novels and “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”, tried something new this time. PvP (Player versus Player) and Solo PvE (Player versus Environment) are already implemented in HS. But ever since Blizzard canceled its physical “World of Warcraft TCG” the players wished for raids and Blizzard tried to fulfill their wish this year with the first “raid boss” (for the time being gamescom exclusive). The first boss – Arthas, the Lichking – does not only start with a humongous amount of 1.000.000 life points, but also an earthshattering deck. But do not worry, you do not have to slay him on your own, your goal is to only tick away his health, as all the partaking players’ damage is accumulated. This is a promotion for Fireside-Gatherings in general, little events where you can meet with players in real life and play a few rounds of HS.
Finally, something for solo players in “Gwent”. “Thronebreaker”, which is made by the developers of “The Witcher”, the Polish developer CD Projekt Red, will come out in late 2017. The costs of the downloadable content (DLC) are still unknown. Throughout the 10-hour campaign, players will explore new and never-before-seen parts of the “The Witcher” world, while accompanying queen Meve. Players will embark on a variety of “thought-provoking” quests, gather resources as well as engage in custom-made story battles and use campaign exclusive solo cards and mechanics. Thereby, you will encounter many dialogues, which are all voiced, and make decisions that will influence the story.
:Gianluca Cultraro
Angela Merkel, from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), stated last Sunday that she will run for re-election in 2017. She has always emphasised that party chairmanship and chancellorship are supposed to be executed in a personal union. Thus, this announcement does not come as a surprise. But taking into consideration the recent federal state elections – with a CDU that lost a decent amount of percentage points in five federate states – winning while at the same time keeping the CDU on its conservative course seems like a daunting task.
Was wäre, wenn die Reichen und Mächtigen den Sozialbeitrag selbst zahlen müssten? Wie erginge es Donald Trump, Angela Merkel und Horst Seehofer, wenn sie – in einer fernen Dimension – an der RUB studieren müssten?
Der Düsseldorfer Stromgigant E.ON baut seinen Konzern radikal um und gliedert das Geschäft mit Atom-, Gas- und Kohlekraft aus, um sich in Zukunft voll auf erneuerbare Energien zu konzentrieren. Für die Politik ist dieser aus ökologischer Sicht konsequenter Weg ein Affront – hatte sie doch zuletzt ihre Klimaziele nach unten korrigiert und den Ausbau von Kohlekraftwerken vorgeschlagen. Für die deutsche Energiewende ein unverzichtbarer Beitrag; doch was steckt hinter dieser Idee?
Was die CDU kann, können SPD und Grüne schon lange! Als Angela Merkel schon im Wahlkampf 2005 eine Mehrwertsteuererhöhung um nur zwei Prozent auf 18 Prozent versprach und dann die 19 Prozent folgten, bekamen das anscheinend nicht alle mit. Und so konnte die große Dame der Nation munter weiter irgendeinen Mist brabbeln, den sie ohnehin nicht einhalten würde („Mit mir wird es keine Maut für Pkw geben!“), und die Wahl trotzdem gewinnen.