Bild: US-Wahl: Starke Abweichung zwischen Prognosen und Ergebnis

Im Vorfeld der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen sahen WahlforscherInnen Hillary Clinton im direkten Duell mit Donald Trump klar vorn, doch am Ende setzte sich der Kandidat der republikanischen Partei eindeutig durch. Wie kommt diese Abweichung zustande? Liegt es nur an der indirekten Wahl des Electoral College und dem gleichzeitigen „winner-takes-all-priciple“?

Bild: “Now the trumpet summons us again – You and I have a rendezvous with destiny”: If you vote for Trump, he promises that he’s “never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down”. , Satire: Draft of Trump’s inaugural address discovered! Karikatur: DonkeyHotey, CC-BY-SA-2.0, Bearbeitung: lux

The scandal continues: After Melania Trump apparently plagiarizing Michelle Obama in her speech last week, the real writer has come forward. Ghost writer Rick Roll claims that (in light of recent events and after an overthrow with the Trump family) he’d rather go public himself than “being dragged kicking and screaming into the limelight.” The grad student (English Literature) makes a living selling speeches to politicians and their families. In an exclusive interview, he has shown us some of his work. The :bsz procured exclusive rights to a particularly juicy piece – an early draft for Donald Trump’s inaugural address as President of the United States.
